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Zero Watts

As has been well established here, I crashed on January 10, 2022. My first meeting with my orthopedist was 22 days later on February 1st. That day I found out that I didn't just have a fractured acetabulum and multiple broken ribs. I also needed to completely replace my left shoulder. This was unrelated to the crash and I wasn't really surprised. I had been living with pain and the limitations of being able to lift my left arm above my shoulder for a long time. It was an almost incidental comment he made. Kinda daunting. And I'm going do it. But not until the end of the cycling season. So I effectively signed up to ride the rest of the year one-armed. But first I had to get back on the bike. Thankfully I was given the yellow light to get on my trainer and spin—as long as it was with absolutely no resistance. And I dutifully did that day after day until...

March 25/Day 74 I was back in the saddle, on the road! My strength and confidence buoyed by regular PT with awesome and supportive therapists. Each ride gets me closer to meeting my goals for the year ahead of the surgery that I'll have this fall. Already on the calendar are five days of epic riding through Tuscany, my first gravel race in Steamboat, the Buff Epic, and Sexy Rexy Queen of the Desert. I have a long road stretching out ahead of me but there's nothing I love more.

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